Tuesday 13 October 2015

What Do I Desire

What Do I Desire

Homework 9

It is hard to tell what I desire. But being compelled to say it, I would say that what I desire is to be a versatile person. I want to be good at many things or at least able to do various things. Right now, what I am good at is probably math, or some subjects in my major. In the past, I did not have any thoughts about what I should do in the future, or what I should do to spend time wisely. In conclusion, I had no desire of anything. I was concerned about me wasting time, but was too lazy to distribute some time into thinking what to do. So, in the last summer vacation, I finally had some time to think about myself, and also what I should do to live a good life. In order to do it, I made some lists. I wrote down what I want to do, what I should do, and what things that I should do in order to achieve my goals. As I wrote down what I want to do, I felt happiness. I was able to trace down where I am in this society, or what I am right now. And also, I got some hints about  what I my life goal should be.

First, there are several things that I want to desire this year. To line them up, I want to learn to play piano. My mom taught piano to students when she was young. I was also taught by her, but learning piano was a very boring time for me. So I hardly finished 4  books which are the most basics of playing and understanding the piano. But now, I regret my acts in the past. Although, I can play clarinet quiet fluently, I want to learn another instrument that I can play while I sing a song. Another thing that I desire is to acquire JLPT N1 which is the highest level in Japanese language fluency test. An year ago I took JLPT N2, but because of the low score I failed. Since I did not try my best on the exam, it was natural thing to be failed, but this time I will study more harder and achieve my goals.

To sum up, I think why I would like to be a versatile person is because I would like to get envy from other people. To tell from a objective view, what I desire is attention or respect of other people.

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