Thursday 22 October 2015

How Do I Keep Things Whole

How Do I Keep Things Whole

Homework 10

   This question,“How Do I Keep Things Whole”is the same meaning of  “How Do I Keep My Mind Together”. For many people, there are lots of things that drive them crazy. And there would have several different ways to control them. Some may loosen up themselves by exercising, or some may listen to music to keep themselves together. For me, I play sports to keep my mind together. These days, I had lots of things to take care of. First of all, I did not have sufficient money. So I had to divide my money wisely until the next scholarship date. And also some human relationships were stressing for me. To keep my mind together, I started to exercise again. In the past, I had no friends in the Judo club, which is a kind of martial art of Japan, so going there was not the answer of keeping my mind together. But, having some friends there now, I enjoy going. While I exercise I was able to be free from my worries. And when my skills of Judo worked and was able to win over a bigger guy, my stress flew away. So to sum up, I keep my mind together by exercising.

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