Tuesday 27 October 2015

The One Thing 'Back To The Future II' Could Never Predict

Title: The One Thing 'Back To The Future II' Could Never Predict

Homework 11

An opinion:

     As soon as I found out this article, I got very curious about the movie. Though I knew this movie was very popular before I saw this article, I never had chance to see it. Since it was a old movie made even 10 years before I was born, I though that it’s computer graphic, and the story line  would not be so great. But as I saw the movie, I enjoyed it a lot, and was very impressed about movie taking skill that time. Another thing that was interesting was the time by time machine to change the future was set to 2015 October 21, which is past of the time that I am writing up this post. I was excited about the fact that what people at that time might think a distant future is where I am. There were some mis-predictions on the movie which was natural. For example, putting the inside of pocket did not become trend of these days and also, we do not yet have a flying car nor a hover board. Though self-lacing shoes was made by Nike, it is only sold for few, since it is “the movie” special.

     Actually, what the article was trying to say is that the fact the movie ‘Back To The Future II’ could not predicted companies and even politicians would milk 2015 October 21. I was a little disappointed of the article since what I expected was the amount of difference between science and culture of year 1986 and 2015. So I would like to talk about differences between the year 1986 and 2015, and what one thing the movie could not have predicted.

     That time, people could imagine there would be a glasses that can communicate with others. We do have “Google glasses” but, people prefer Google glasses to flat square type smart phones. The biggest difference between two is that the movie shows it is telephone line based. And what I see in the movie that the author has missed the development of internet. Now in 2015, we have such a developed internet system. We use SNS to communicate with people, we can search all the information with a single click. In my opinion, it is the best advance and one thing the movie could not predicted. So I would like to point out that : The One Thing 'Back To The Future II' Could Never Predict’ was the wide use of internet these days.


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