Wednesday 7 October 2015

Music in my life

Music in my life

Homework 8

     Right now, I listen to lots of music. But, surprisingly, I barely listen to music in the past when I was in a middle or in a primary school. Because of that, when my friends asked me to join in to go to the karaoke, I refused a lot, since I knew not many song to sing. I think there is many reasons why I did not listen or know many music. I guess one of them is because my parents. They did not buy me a mp3 player, and also did not bought me a cellphone, until I graduated from high school. They thought that songs might disturb my studies. Because the lack of devices, I did not know or listen to song so much. After graduating from high school, I had to learn some popular song in order to get along with my peers. Anyways, I do have my favorite song in my life.

     It is “Viva La Vida” by Coldplay. How I knew this music is as it follows. When I was preparing for the university, I listen to “some” music which was not my taste. Since the song were just given by my friend. One day, my friend introduced this song to me. And as I heard it, I loved the beat, and the rhythm, and also the lyrics. Most songs makes me sick when I hear it too many times. But this song was different. Though I think I listened to this music like thousand times, I never got bored. And also the funny thing is that, since I listened to this song a lot, I got good at singing this song. Although I am not a good singer, my friend always compliment me when I sing this song. I guess this song helped me a lot when I am studying. Since it made me focus better, and also made me much more relaxed when I was getting a rest.

     These days, I got into a song named “The phoenix” by Fall Out Boy. Having a slow and quite life in Tsukuba, the strong beat of this song really got up to me. Although I got a poor memory, I memorized it’s lyrics. I am planning to sing this song at karaoke next time.

     In my opinion, the music in my life had started with me going to karaoke. Since I love going to karaoke, I try to listen to variety of music and try to learn some new things.


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