Thursday 30 April 2015

My thoughts about the movie clip-Wanderers

Homework 3

Date: 5/15

My thoughts about the movie clip - Wanderers

When I first watched the clip - Wanderers, I was confused what this clip was trying to convey because it neither had a narration nor a subtitle, but only a background music. However, I could tell that this movie was related to space and future technology. The setting of this clip seemed to be set in Jupiter or perhaps in another celestial body. Also, as humans were flying with possible future gear in an unidentified planet, the clip seemed to portray the development of our technology as well.

By watching the clip for several times, I was able to analyze some aspects of different scenes.
0:15 Earth
0:50 Jupiter orbit
1:00 Enceladus orbit, moon of Saturn
1:30 Space elevator on Mars
1:50 Sunset on Mars
2:00 Equatorial ridge on Iapetus, moon of Saturn
2:10 Comets
2:20 Space habitat
2:30 Europa, moon of Jupiter (Io and Jupiter in the background)
2:35 Astronauts flying with wings in low g on Titan, moon of Saturn
2:40 Astronauts jump from Verona Ropes on Miranda, moon of Uranus, with
20 kilometers the highest cliff in the Solar System
3:00 Rings of Saturn seen from above the clouds of Titan.

     This clip reminded me of the movie, Interstellar (2014) by Christopher Nolan. Interstellar is a S.F. movie, where the main characters were given a mission to find a planet that could host human lives. During the journey, the movie showed abstruse scenes and esoteric shapes of different planets and stars. Also, the movie involved potential future technology such as freezing a person to sleep to avoid aging. In this aspect, I believe that the clip is similar to the movie. Both films conveyed advance technology such as spaceships and other supplementary gears that the characters could use to visit and observe an unknown celestial body.

     Another movie that I could relate this clip to was Space Odyssey (2001) by Stanley Cupric. This movie was known for its innovative depictions of space and excellent use of soundtracks. Similar to this movie, I believe that the clip also had a very good use of soundtracks. In particular, the close up scene of a woman coupled with the low key tone of the music had helped to provoke a sense of hope and excitements by the audience to actually see what is depicted in the clip near future.

Furthermore, the clip was very futuristic and imaginative in its portrayal of potential future technology. Space is a very vast, mysterious and curious place that humans have been trying to understand for decades. Although we were able to come up with several theories that may explain the creation of our world, such as Big Bang theory, much remains unknown. However, in the clip, there were many yet developed technologies that allowed humans to freely travel and observe beyond our planet. Due to these depictions, I believe that it allowed the audience to think about the actual potentials of developing those technologies. 

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