Thursday 16 April 2015

A List Of 10Goals For This Year

1. Being healthy all year long
   I believe that health is the most important thing in our lives. Few days ago, I caught a cold and realized how important it is to be healthy, especially living abroad alone.
2. Improve my Japanese
   Because I am not a Japanese, I sometimes find it difficult to clearly express myself, and understand what others are saying. Also, since I will be living in Japan for upcoming four years, I think it will be very important that I become fluent in the language.
3. Make new friends
  I believe having a good friendship with my college friends will be very helpful in many ways. They can help me to improve my Japanese skills, as well as being just being a good companion.
4. Get a g.p.a over 3.0
   University is not the final goal for me. I also want to attend a graduate school, which requires a good g.p.a. and a deep understanding of my academic area.
5. Save money
   I am receiving a government scholarship every month. Although, this is a large amount of money, I use every single Yen out of it. This year, I would like to improve my financial sense so that I can save up for traveling.
6. Learn a new instrument
   I want to learn a new instrument among guitar, violin, and drum. And I believe learning how to play an instrument can be a great hobby.
7. Try Japanese cuisine
  As a foreigner, there are so much delicious Japanese foods that I have never tasted before. I hope to travel Japan and have the opportunity to experience Japanese exotic foods.
8. Skydiving
   I always loved thrilling activities. Since I have more time than when I was a high school student, I would like to try skydiving.
9. Stay fit
   Although I am not overweight, I would like to maintain my fitness level. I will exercise regularly and hopefully, I can grow more muscles as well.
10. Learn to do magic
   Being a magician was my dream when I was in elementary school. In Tsukuba University, I'm planning to sign up for a magic club, and learn some fantastic magic.

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