Thursday 30 April 2015

My thoughts about the movie clip-Wanderers

Homework 3

Date: 5/15

My thoughts about the movie clip - Wanderers

When I first watched the clip - Wanderers, I was confused what this clip was trying to convey because it neither had a narration nor a subtitle, but only a background music. However, I could tell that this movie was related to space and future technology. The setting of this clip seemed to be set in Jupiter or perhaps in another celestial body. Also, as humans were flying with possible future gear in an unidentified planet, the clip seemed to portray the development of our technology as well.

By watching the clip for several times, I was able to analyze some aspects of different scenes.
0:15 Earth
0:50 Jupiter orbit
1:00 Enceladus orbit, moon of Saturn
1:30 Space elevator on Mars
1:50 Sunset on Mars
2:00 Equatorial ridge on Iapetus, moon of Saturn
2:10 Comets
2:20 Space habitat
2:30 Europa, moon of Jupiter (Io and Jupiter in the background)
2:35 Astronauts flying with wings in low g on Titan, moon of Saturn
2:40 Astronauts jump from Verona Ropes on Miranda, moon of Uranus, with
20 kilometers the highest cliff in the Solar System
3:00 Rings of Saturn seen from above the clouds of Titan.

     This clip reminded me of the movie, Interstellar (2014) by Christopher Nolan. Interstellar is a S.F. movie, where the main characters were given a mission to find a planet that could host human lives. During the journey, the movie showed abstruse scenes and esoteric shapes of different planets and stars. Also, the movie involved potential future technology such as freezing a person to sleep to avoid aging. In this aspect, I believe that the clip is similar to the movie. Both films conveyed advance technology such as spaceships and other supplementary gears that the characters could use to visit and observe an unknown celestial body.

     Another movie that I could relate this clip to was Space Odyssey (2001) by Stanley Cupric. This movie was known for its innovative depictions of space and excellent use of soundtracks. Similar to this movie, I believe that the clip also had a very good use of soundtracks. In particular, the close up scene of a woman coupled with the low key tone of the music had helped to provoke a sense of hope and excitements by the audience to actually see what is depicted in the clip near future.

Furthermore, the clip was very futuristic and imaginative in its portrayal of potential future technology. Space is a very vast, mysterious and curious place that humans have been trying to understand for decades. Although we were able to come up with several theories that may explain the creation of our world, such as Big Bang theory, much remains unknown. However, in the clip, there were many yet developed technologies that allowed humans to freely travel and observe beyond our planet. Due to these depictions, I believe that it allowed the audience to think about the actual potentials of developing those technologies. 

Thursday 23 April 2015

My diet

My diet

There are lots of different types of diets. For example, there are people who only eats vegetables, people who regularly eats three meals per day, or people who skips breakfast or dinner. In this post, I am going to introduce my diet.

Before I entered the university, I was forced to eat breakfast by my parents. Breakfast is known to provide sufficient energy for morning routines as well as many other health benefits. Many researchers say that breakfast is very crucial part of our diet. However, although I agree to this fact, I am a little bit suspicious that a morning meal is better than a bit of more sleep. I personally believe that sleep can provide more energy than a bit of breakfast.

As I became a university student, I moved out from home and I am living alone right now. Since I never favored eating breakfast, I do not eat breakfast anymore. But on the days when there is an important assessments at school, I try to have something in the morning, hoping that all the benefits of breakfast will help my brain to work better.

When I first came to Japan last year, I used to live at a dormitory. But, due to the poor facilities, I had to move out. I could not cook at the dormitory because, the kitchen was too small and unhygienic for many students to use. I was always cautious not to use the kitchen for so long so that other students could also cook. Also, I had to consider the nationality of the other students on the floor as the smell of my country’s food could be not as appealing to others. 

àHow the dormitory looks like

Now that I am living in an apartment, I try to cook more often. I made Okonomiyaki, Yakisoba, spaghetti and many more in the past two weeks. Recently, I have been choosing the menu of the day by watching a television channel related to cooking, where famous chiefs compete with each other. The important rule is that they have to finish cooking within 15 minutes with limited ingredients. Sometimes, there are some dishes that I really want to try while watching the show. So, I take a note of the recipe and head straight down to a shop and try to cook the dish.



àhow my kitchen looks like

Among the three meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, I only eat lunch at a regular time, because the lunch time is set by the school. For dinner, I eat whenever I become hungry. Sometimes I eat three bowls of rice, or when I am not very hungry I just have an icecream. At first I was worried that my irregular diet will lead to gaining of weight or increase my blood pressure, since I eat too much salty foods. However, I was relieved to find out that both my weight and blood pressure was normal by the health check done at school. 

         In conclusion, I believe that every individual has different diet that is suitable for themselves. Although my diet is often irregular and sometimes even have unbalanced nutrients, I am very satisfied with my current diet routine.

Thursday 16 April 2015

A List Of 10Goals For This Year

1. Being healthy all year long
   I believe that health is the most important thing in our lives. Few days ago, I caught a cold and realized how important it is to be healthy, especially living abroad alone.
2. Improve my Japanese
   Because I am not a Japanese, I sometimes find it difficult to clearly express myself, and understand what others are saying. Also, since I will be living in Japan for upcoming four years, I think it will be very important that I become fluent in the language.
3. Make new friends
  I believe having a good friendship with my college friends will be very helpful in many ways. They can help me to improve my Japanese skills, as well as being just being a good companion.
4. Get a g.p.a over 3.0
   University is not the final goal for me. I also want to attend a graduate school, which requires a good g.p.a. and a deep understanding of my academic area.
5. Save money
   I am receiving a government scholarship every month. Although, this is a large amount of money, I use every single Yen out of it. This year, I would like to improve my financial sense so that I can save up for traveling.
6. Learn a new instrument
   I want to learn a new instrument among guitar, violin, and drum. And I believe learning how to play an instrument can be a great hobby.
7. Try Japanese cuisine
  As a foreigner, there are so much delicious Japanese foods that I have never tasted before. I hope to travel Japan and have the opportunity to experience Japanese exotic foods.
8. Skydiving
   I always loved thrilling activities. Since I have more time than when I was a high school student, I would like to try skydiving.
9. Stay fit
   Although I am not overweight, I would like to maintain my fitness level. I will exercise regularly and hopefully, I can grow more muscles as well.
10. Learn to do magic
   Being a magician was my dream when I was in elementary school. In Tsukuba University, I'm planning to sign up for a magic club, and learn some fantastic magic.