Thursday 28 January 2016

Euthanasia References


Johnson, L. (2011) A Life-Centered Approach to Bioethics. New York. Cambridge University Press

Dowbiggin, L. (2003) A merciful end : the euthanasia movement in modern America. New York. Oxford University Press

Suzuki, Hikaru. (2013) Death and Dying in Contemporary Japan. London; New York: Routledge


Koch,H. (1997) Self-Determination, Privacy, and the Right to Die. A Comparative Law Analysis(Germany, United States of America, Japan) 4: 9-25

Mihaela, A. (2012) Euthanasia.Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice 4(2):474-483

Hamano, Kenzo (2003) "Should Euthanasia be Legalized in Japan?: The Importance of the Attitude Towards Life" Jinbun Ronkyuu (人文論究) 52(4): 15-27

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