Saturday 12 December 2015

Brain Questions

Try my questions about the brain

            Test about brains!! <-click!


Thursday 10 December 2015



I am a resilient person and have a strong enthusiasm towards learning. When I set a goal, I work very hard to achieve the best outcome. This is evident by the scholarship that I am currently receiving from both of the Japanese and Korean government. I was very determined to receive the scholarship and vigorously worked to improve my academic performances. Currently I receive a scholarship that covers all the tuition fees and living expenses for four years. Also, I am passionate about many subjects, but in particular mathematics and physics. I find these two subjects very intriguing as there are still so many questions that are yet to be answered.
I would describe myself as an outgoing and an easy person to approach. I have a volunteer experience with helping young children with various ethnic backgrounds. Through this experience, I realized the significance of one person’s contribution and that it can really make a difference. Also, since I was young, I moved schools many times due to my father’s job. From this, I learnt how to make myself approachable as well as the skills to interact with various people.

Personal Data
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Sanri 604, Amakubo-6-7-98, Tsukuba, Ibaraki
Kyuggi High school, Gangnam, Seoul
03/2011 - 02/2014
University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki
04/2015 - Present 
Job Experience
Part-time job at Baskin Robins 31(shop assistant), Seocho, Seoul
Club activities
Kyunghi University Judo Club, Dongdaemun, Seoul

University of Tsukuba Judo Club, Tsukuba, Ibaraki

Receive a scholarship from the Korean and Japanese governments covering tuition fees and living expenses
03/2014 – 03/2019
Licenses & Certifications
Korean History certificate (Level3)
Chinese character certificate (Level4)
Language Ability

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Planning a product for the 2020 Olympics

Planning a product for the 2020 Olympics

Homework 13


     We believe that the product essential for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is a special Wi-Fi that can only be used in the Olympic application that we have created. When there are lots of people congested in a small area, the Wi-Fi tends to slows down, increasing the loading time for internet usage. However, this will not be the case, as the Wi-Fi is designed to work only on our application. Hence, the loading time will be fast enough for the people to retrieve any information without having to test their patience.

     The main purpose of the application is to help the tourists. In 2020, many tourists will visit Japan to watch the Tokyo Olympics. However, since not many Japanese can speak English and as there are only few English guidance around the street of Tokyo, foreigners, like myself, find it very difficult to find a destination or even buy a train ticket. Thereby, the application will provide vital information that the tourists will need to know for their trip in Japan.

     The Wi-Fi service will be available in majority of the convenient stores, public buildings, many restaurants, and more places. Moreover, the application will be completed before the Olympic season starts. Also, it will be constantly updated in order to include any new information such as change in stadium or time of a game or a train delay information.

      As the majority of the tourists will be coming to watch the Tokyo Olympics, the application will provide information related to the time and location of a game. Also, it will include other information such as the transportation information to the Olympics stadium. Moreover, the tourists will be able to watch the game on live using the application and the results will be updated regularly. Nevertheless, as the tourists will also want to look around the city, the application will not only focus on the Olympic information, but also provide traveling information around Tokyo as well. The information may include the nearest toilet location, bus stops and train stations. Also, translating function will be included as well as simple and practical dialogues such as “Where is the nearest convenient store?”or ”Where is the toilet?” will be included in the service. 

The Olympic app can help travelers a lot

     The way in which a person can have access to this system is by registering before they visit Japan. This service is only available to the foreigners and the users must have their user ID and password in order to have access to the Wi-Fi and the application. The tourists can simply register for free at their local travel agencies and a week before their visit to Japan, they will receive an email with all the details of how to download and use the system. The reason for the pre-registration is to make sure that the server does not shut down due to over accessing the application. By mandating registration, the administrator can approximate the suitable size of their data base, which can help the system to run more smoothly.

Tokyo Olympics Homepage: