Tuesday 2 June 2015

If I Were A Girl

If I were a girl, I would be glad about the fact that I do not have to be conscripted, since every man in Korea is conscripted for two years. I would like to spend those two years meaningfully, such as travelling the world, work to save some money or learning new things. I believe that two years are very significant time that I can use to experience and make self-improvement.

If I were a girl, I would spend lots of money on cosmetics. Although many of my male friends tell me that spending money on cosmetics is a waste, this is not true for girls. All my female friends buy lots of cosmetics such as creams, lipsticks and foundation. I think by using such cosmetics, my skin can be rejuvenated as well as look better.

If I were a girl, shopping would also take a big part of my life. I heard that for girls, no matter how many clothes they have, it is never enough for them. Also, since the fashion trend changes every season and every year, I have to keep up with the latest fashion to be the most fashionable person in the country.

If I were a girl, I would go to the idol concerts every weekend, and find joy of being part of the fan club member. Also, I would be very busy for one of my favorite idols birthday. I would write him letters and send him presents as well. Additionally, I would buy a super expensive camera so I can take photos of him anywhere.

If I were a girl, I would take many selfies, and take pictures of my foods. I would get very angry if somebody eats the foods before I take a photo of it for my social network. Since a small change in the lighting of the photo is important, I would spend another hour editing.

If I were a girl, I would always watch out of my weight and try to stay fit. I would try to limit eating greasy foods or eat after eight at night. But, I would make an exception to chicken fries and pizza, because the pleasure of eating those two delicious foods is greater than going on a strict diet the next day. 

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