Wednesday 27 May 2015




     Mr. Cellphone has the most tiresome work in the whole world. He never gets a chance to rest. He is always very busy checking the mail box, messages, missing phone calls, as well as constant updates of news and other information that his master desires. But, his work does not end there. He has to wake the master up, play with him, talk to him, and even sing for him every day. When he tries to fall asleep, his master feeds him forcefully so that he can work the next day for all day long again. It’s sad because he knows that he cannot be lazy, since every year he will be competing with younger and more powerful workers. He knows that if he falls behind, then his master will desert him anytime he wants. Being Mr. Cellphone is hard. 

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Defining features of Bangladesh


Date: 5/22

Defining features of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country located in Southern Asia, between Burma and India. The country was originally known as Bengal, before the independence war led by Awami Leauge (AL). With the support of India, Bangali won their independence in 1971, which led to the creation of the nation, Bangladesh. However, Bangladesh experienced multiple changes in their political regimes post-independence. The government faced series of military coups, which resulted a military-backed government (BNP) in 1975. Since then, the Bangladesh government alternated power between AL and BNP. Nevertheless, in December 2008, the Bangladesh government became a fully democratic government and has been a democratic country since. The country has made a great progress in many areas, in particular in economic development, however it still needs much development in human resources.  

Bangladesh has a tropical climate with mild winter (October to March), hot, humid summer (March to June) and humid, warm rainy monsoon (June to October). Approximately 60% of the country’s land is arable and most of the country is situated on deltas of large rivers flowing from Himalayas. These geographical factors give Bangladesh many advantages in farming, and hence the country specializes in agriculture. Around half of Bangladeshis are employed in agriculture sector with rice as their main harvesting crop. Also, more than half of their GDP is generated by this sector as well. Another prime industry of Bangladesh is the garment industry. Garment industry makes up 80% of the nation’s exports, surpassing $18 billion. Additionally, the garment industry is known to be very resilient against series of factory accidents and strikes. The agriculture industry coupled with the garment export have contributed greatly to the increasing nation’s GDP. 

Bangladesh is a severely overpopulated country that has a population of more than 1.6million - world’s 9th largest. The main religion of the country is Muslim, however Hindu also takes a big part. The average life expectancy of the people is 70.65 years and ranks 150th in the world. Compare to other developed nations, the life expectancy of Bangladeshi is quite low as evident by the relatively small expenditure on health of 3.6% of GDP 2012; ranks 169th in the world. Bangladesh has a very low GDP per capita of $3400PPP (180th lowest in the world). Likewise, many people are landless and are living on and cultivate flood-prone land. However, waterborne diseases are prevalent in surface water, and hence putting people at risks of many bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, typhoid fever and more. Additionally, due to use of commercial pesticides, Bangladesh is experiencing clean water shortages. Despite these difficulties, the school life expectancy is average of 10 years both for girls and boys and unemployment is quite low of average of 9.3% for both male and female (105th world rank).
           Bangladesh is a country known for its bountiful agricultural industry and beautiful garment productions. However, the country still needs much improvement in human development. In particular, education (literacy rate), clean water access, and sanitation facility access needs urgent improvements. In conclusion, with the benefit of the country’s geographical location and human resources, Bangladesh is a country of hope and dreams.

"The World Fact Book." Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency, 13 May 2015. Web. 19 May 2015.